Practice Guidelines for Zoom

The following guidelines have been developed to ensure that you have a positive and peaceful experience. If you are new to Zoom, please know that it is easy to use once you’ve tried it a time or two.

I will send a Zoom link to you via email. The same link will be used for each class or series of classes that you are signed up for, so either “flag” the email from me or save it in your archives so it is easily accessible to you.
When you log in to Zoom, you will be required to keep your camera on so that I can see you. You will see a ”View” option in the upper right corner, where you will click on “Speaker” view. That way when we start class, I will “mute” everyone so that only I will appear on your screen and I will be the only one you hear. On my end, I will have my computer set to “Gallery” view, which will allow me to see all of you at the same time!
If possible, set up in a space in your home where you will not be distracted. The optimal set up is to have your computer or device six feet away from you and about three feet off the floor so that you can be seen from head to toe by me whether standing or seated or lying down on the floor. I realize this is not possible for many of us, so you may need to adjust the camera angle once or twice during class. Also remember to turn up the volume on your device so that you can hear me clearly.
Please sign in a few minutes early so any adjustments to your set up can be addressed before we start.
Have your mat rolled out and your props handy. I suggest one or two blankets (or beach or bath towels), two yoga blocks, a yoga strap (or a scarf or tie), and an armless chair for the classes that require one.
Wear comfortable clothing. It is recommended to practice bare foot.
PLEASE silence cell phones or anything that may make noise before class starts.
Do not eat a big meal before you practice. It is recommended to practice on an empty stomach or one to two hours after a meal.
Inform me before class if you are pregnant or have any injuries.
Enjoy yourself!

Thank you. Namaste.